育 Children

住 Living

How to increase 50% more storage space with your IKEA furniture

Having some identical items lined up can create a neat impression. So you can put the boxes on top of the storage furniture to create more space, and look neat.
食 Kitchen

A small change can make a big difference – dining table –

Re-organising the dining table area will encourage your child to do their homework, and the dining table can regain its original purpose.
衣 Wardrobe

Can you tell which school uniform is which in the busy morning among siblings?

The problem was about my 8-year-old's and 5-year-old's school uniform sizes... They are similar sizes!
衣 Wardrobe

This chest of drawers arrangement is perfect!

Putting a small box (a shoe box kind of thing) in the drawer to create three sections for trousers, jumpers and shirts.  Now even my 5-year-old son can get what he wants by himself. 
育 Children

School bags can also encourage children to be more independent

The children's everyday behaviour didn't need changing, but became a tidy-up action! I am happy and they are happy, too! 
育 Children

An easy step to make your child independent

It's true! You don't need to be the only person always tidying up for your family!
住 Living

How many laptops and tablets in your home?

Creating a space for the devices is like making a home for them. Also, we can also spot if anyone is hiding one somewhere...
住 Living

Does your family know where things are?

Where to store batteries or plasters? They can be found in the same area in my home. Easy access will save you time.
育 Children

Never step on a Lego again!

When you finish playing with Lego, you just pull the string to close the Lego bag!
衣 Wardrobe

How Time Ninja organises school uniforms for children

In the hectic morning, getting the children dressed for school is rather a stressful job. Hanging all the school uniforms at a lower level means the children can reach what they need all by themselves. Let them do the job, and encourage them to be more independent.
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